August 2020 (Week 3)

+ Infantry are in, here's the runny boys running around.
+ The crushing system is in, and was way more complicated than expected. Gonna try to run over some runny boys soon.
+ Experience system is in, it mirrors the CnC experience system where a unit is worth its cost in experience.
- Infantry currently act like very small vehicles, so they 'backup' like vehicles, playing the run animatino backwards. Its looks really weird.
+ Added a fixed a whole bunch of stuff.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

+ Set up animation set templates for infantry, with 8, 12, and 24 frames, making absorption of animation for infantry much faster.
- In its largest extent, a single infantry animation set is 24 frames in 8 directions, currently at 5 layers, that makes for 960 frames.
+ Infantry animation system is tweaked
+ Units can now be set to have the ability to pivot in place, this is mainly used for infantry and tracked vehicles.
+ Adding the ability to set stats for multiple units at once.
+ Added a fixed a whole bunch of stuff.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

August 2020 (Week 2)

+ Started to lay down the groundwork to add infantry and drivers
+ Fixed some animation problem with the previous animations
+ Added a simple experience and leveling up system
- Actually went in and removed some assets because they haven't been updated and no longer worked
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

+ Added various driver functions. In fact, we kind of added a driver license system.
+ Added crushability functionality as well as a weight class system to determine crushability.
+ Adding a collision damage and crushing damage system.
+ Reviving the infantry animation pipeline, which was RnD'd like 2 months ago. So far so good.
+ Probably gonna start another round of music as well.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

August 2020 (Week 1)

+ Artillery and any similar unit in future, will have its turret return to default position before deploying and retracting.
+ Created a special tile that creates an invisible wall around the edge of a map. This is automatically generated
+ Damage states and supply states added. Now the amount of damage taken and amount of supply remaining can be seen visually.
+ More bug fixes
- Started making some more temp building models.
+ Here's all six of the faction secretaries
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

July 2020 (Week 5)

+ New weapon type added, shell, which you can see here used for the artillery
+ Static assets, which is what the deployed artillery is, can now aim.
- Obviously there's some fun problems with the artillery, we'll fix it next week
+ Fixed some minor bugs, still more to go.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction secretaries here:

+ Mainly bug fixes right now
+ Fixed a problem with a single frame in the template. Needed to reoutput all vehicle assets
+ Added a new observer vehicle
- This week coder is back on duty
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction secretaries here:

July 2020 (Week 4)

+ Added the ability to change the tile brush size
+ Can now name maps when you save
+ Added a supply pile that diminishes visually when you collect it
+ Rejidded the save system to be better able to save asset states
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction secretaries here:

+ Display for if a unit that has begun aiming in the dev mode
+ Transformations work, but not with the animation for some reason
- Here's the transformation antimation replacing the forward movement anim set
+ Added a supply pile that diminishes visually when you collect it
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction secretaries here:

July 2020 (Week 3)

+ Added this one new asset among other things.
+ Nearly implemented new unit functions like deployment animations
+ Rejigged all the unit description files. Now the system can handle more complex stuff.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction secretaries here:

+ Added a supply system function where different supplies can fill supply trucks by different amounts (some anon suggested it, thanks anon)
+ Laid the groundwork for putting in sets of animation with 12 frames or less.
+ Added this artillery deployment animation. Its in the game, but not implemented yet.
- 12 frames of animation. 32 directions. 5 layers. Both forward and backward. 3840 total frames. Infinite pain.
- It can be more or less than this, but 12 is a nice number; with the current system, yields less than 4k frames.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction secretaries here:

July 2020 (Week 2)

+ Added asset behavior trees, which replaces all logic for all current buildings and assets
+ Beginning to work on mechanisms for other types of animations. Like deployment animatons for artillery units or switching between 'loaded' and 'unloaded' states of the supply truck.
+ Resource gathering is now automated and works ... once
- Clearly some pathing issues with automatic resource gathering needs to be ironed out
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction secretaries here:

+ Asset description files now split into two file. One for basic info like collision, and another for all the animation sets
+ The map maker sidebar now has a folder system for all the assets.
+ This feature won't be necessary in the game, but its easily incorporated if need be.
- Gotta refresh all the asset description files, so that kinda sucks. Feels like a weeklong task
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction secretaries here:

July 2020 (Week 1)

+ Finally got damage, death and wrecks working together.
+ You can see the auto-cannons doing chip damage to the MBT with heavy armor, and the AT cannon and AT missiles doing 500 to 600 damage each.
+ Vehicle wrecks display properly
+ Path finding has reached a point where core performance is satisfactory
- Shifted back to Maya 2016 because Maya 2020 was ass
+ Asset production is going back into full tilt now that new workstation setup, migration of the project, and render workflow tweaks are finished.
- Coder is taking the week off
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction waifus:

+ Building vehicles is working now
+ Build queues are in, displays in UI
+ Built cost and prerequesites are in and display properly
+ Vehicle spawing from factory works now
- For now, this weird looking vehicle spawning is good enough for testing. We're trying to get something playable as soon as we can.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction waifus:

June 2020 (Week 4)

+ Added the ability to construct buildings via the sidebar
+ After placing a building, a constructor unit needs to come and build the building
+ Added the ability to build vehicles
+ Currently, you can either just spawn them with the mouse or have them come out of designated buildings
+ Added stats like build time, prerequisites, mode of construction, as well as their accompanying functions
+ Building progress is displayed via a fan over the assets' icon, just like in old CnC
- Flow Fields is in the game, but its use was not as widely applicable as expected, only used for non-destination movements, like fleeing from an area or enemy unit.
+ The core movement functions have received an overall that increases performance.
- Game blew up right before recording, so its a crappy screenshot again
- Finally shifted the entire project to a brand new workstation, that's probably why the game blew up
- Also shifted to Maya 2020
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction waifus:

June 2020 (Week 3)

+ Finally back to work. Done moving me and my family to another apartment.
+ Coder never ceased work but I shifted him to working on Flow Field pathing a while back, which required minimum input from me.
- Flow field pathing is turning out to be quite hard to square with our complicated vehicle movement system. Other than that, it works.
+ Shooting stuff is now functional, I spent most of the week trying to get my side of things back in order.
+ Next week is tweaking the stats. You can see here that all the units except for the apc are moving away. This is because they're trying to move to their minimum firing range, which is currently set to something like 300 meters away.
+ Will start firing up the rendering pipeline again and render out all these vehicles wrecks so that they can be visually destroyed.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:
+ Here are the first trio of faction waifus:

June 2020 (Week 2)

+ Stats and whatnot need to be laid out for all the various units. A lot of attack, collection and other functions have been added to the game.
- I'm still busy moving, still no rendering this week. Hoping to resume work next week, but I'll actually need the entire week to sync up our work and enter in all the missing stats and assets.
+ Coder is now working on Flow Fields for pathfinding due to pathfinding being to heavy for stuff like supply collection. Hopefully its worth the trouble. (pic related)
+ Due to me spending so long moving, we've only shown boring debug stuff recently. So instead we're just gonna show off some faction secretaries instead. They appear in the tutorual, and the eventual campaign, and presumably annoucing stuff like 'building', 'training' and stuff like that. This is also the character style we're going with. Perhaps some of you even recognize the artist.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

June 2020 (Week 1)

+ Weapon types and armor types added
+ Supply collection and delivery added
+ Vehicles can now be destroyed and leave wrecks
+ Supply for building vehicles and the usage of supply added
+ Direct, ballistic and missle weapon types added
- Currently, I'm busy moving, so I'm gonna be off for an entire week. No more graphics can be done until then.
+ Coder is still working though, so there's actually a lot of stuff going on.
+ Enjoy these high-quality images provided by the coder, complete with temp assets, and floaty numbers.
+ Upgrading to a beastly rig soon though, so technically rendering will be faster.
- Supply collection is actually really hammering our pathfinding system, so we may indeed need to try to implement flow fields, which we had wanted to avoid.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

May 2020 (Week 4)

+ Added the ability to save your game.
+ Added the ability to save the map you're editing.
+ Both save features automatically generate a name according to the system time.
+ Begun laying down the groundwork for a overarching database, in which all unit stats are read from.
- Currently, the very little unit stats we have are shoved into a file intended for visual display and node attachments only
+ Changed the design for the saa, or short-range anti-air. There was a problem with the original design in that the chassis would obscure the turret, while the turret also obscured the chassis that it sat on. The only way to get that design in was the break up the chassis into two layers and I didn't want to do that.
- the new and old designs are both from the same Stryker SHORAD program. Coincidentally enough, the old prototype was abandonned while the new one is pretty close to be accepted. (vid:
- I was pretty lazy with the model honestly. Mostly reused the old turret. I didn't want to short range anti-air to have a gun nor two different types of missiles.
- This week is mainly boring stats and stuff, so it won't be interesting to show. Might be obliged to post character designs instead.
+ Updated the color pallet. This only affects objects with changable colors, like the base color, faction color and shadow color of objects.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu intro track:
+ menu loop track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

+ Added big ol' database, most stats are consolidated there.
+ Each asset still has a small metafile that governs visuals and 3D point data.
+ Added various stats, like unit sight, weapon range, damage, health, etc. etc.
+ Added some behaviors, like units auto-attacking enemy units, unarmed allied units avoiding enemy units, etc.
+ Attacking and all that works, technically.
- The whole attack system broke and unit avoidance works too well, causing player and enemy units to flee towards the edge of the map upon starting a game. fug
+ Gonna unfuck attacking next week and introduce the concept of death.
+ Update of color pallet is ongoing. This only affects objects with changable colors, like the base color, faction color and shadow color of objects.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu intro track:
+ menu loop track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

May 2020 (Week 3)

+ Adding targeting and aiming this week
+ laying down the groundwork for faction and team logic
+ tweaking the menus and UI this week
+ adding a music management library this week so that we can have a playlist of songs in-game
+ Lights were rejigged and added as a separate object, and that seems to be the way to go.
+ Redid the vehicle as well and it seems to have fucked up the rendering, will fix this week (vid)
+ rendering Maya file consolidated to a single file now. Used to be three.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu intro track:
+ menu loop track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

+ Basic faction functionality added. Faction can be set to 'player', 'enemy' or 'neutral' in the editor
+ Aiming functionality added. Turreted vehicles of the player faction can aim their turret at an enemy unit
+ RMB move disengages the target lock, Ctrl + RMB move keeps the target locked while moving
+ Movement has now been improved substantially with the addition of turning inertia. Units no longer do this jiggly dance when moving to the next waypoint.
+ Enemy vehicle automatically aim at your vehicles.
+ Tabs added to where the map is
+ Group tab displays all icons of units currently selected
+ Unit tab displays specific data regarding the single unit, or the first unit of your group. Currently, it just displays the unit icon.
+ Unit icons are being updated to a temp one with a road background.
- In future, we plan to give all military units a unique icon background. I know this is a fuckton of work, but it just doesn't feel like classic CnC without it.
+ Laying down the groundwork for faction and team logic
+ Funny bug where the game crashes when the first song in the playlist is done playing is fixed.
+ The whole unit produciton workflow and rendering process is now basically finalized and we are in the process of rerendering all vehicular units.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu intro track:
+ menu loop track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

May 2020 (Week 2)

+ implementing Box2D has begun, units will be able to nudge and not get stuck
- Rendering workflow in Arnold was abandonned
+ New Rendering workflow using only Maya software and hardware renderer has yeilded good results. Normals, lighting, self-shadow have now been properly outputted (pictured) It will likely take some time before the normals and lighting be used since lighting is low-prioriy.
+ Used dumbass red green blue directional lighting system to render out normals. Surprised it worked so well.
+ Adding in the new self-shadow layer to the game today
- Honestly scared how many frames this setup is going to output. Might double asset frame count.
+ Added a supply dock, command center and war factory structure place holders in, will likely be using these for a while because designing structures is costly.
+ one new track is 95% complete, will post on Friday
+ three tracks below are all implemented in-game now
+ menu intro track:
+ menu loop track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:

+ Basic implementation of Box2D is done. Old simple hitbox system has been completely replaced.
+ All vehicles are now force-driven and can bump into things.
+ Object avoidance was too good to properly test the physics, so we added an option where you can control your units individually. (Vid)
+ Controlling units was quite fun, so we might just leave it in the game. Obviously we'll add better frition and make the speed more reasonable.
+ Lights were implemented succesfully, but will be kept out of the game for now. Day / Night is too far off a goal to be included at this moment.
+ Next week we're gonna start adding some targeting and aiming, then some stats and simple factions to the game. You know, the 'game' part of the game.
+ first 5 tracks for music is done. We will keep it at this level till we have something more playable, then we'll probably expand to maybe to 10-15 tracks.
+ menu intro track:
+ menu loop track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

May 2020 (Week 1)

+ basic group movement is in, can select multiple units with ctrl
+ selction box coding has begun, shouldn't take too long
+ vehicles will avoid each other, but the failture rate is high and needs optimization (this ability is deactivated in the vid)
+ pathing is now done in blocks, which contains pathfinding only to certain blocks of the map. This opens up the possibility for maps of infinite size.
+ new rendering workflow using Arnold was scrapped, too heavy to render, too unstable and quite frankly didn't want to buy it
+ improved older verision of rendering workflow is nicer, has AO but still lacks self-shadowing.
+ lighter and I will move onto doing tests for rendering out the vehicle headlights, brakelights and turn signals.
+ menu intro track:
+ menu loop track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:

+ selection box implemented, simple group movement achieved
+ group movement all have the same destination, in future we will have them automatically disperse in a formation
+ vehicle avoidance is still failing quite a bit, getting stuck on hitboxes
+ implementing Box2D so that units will be able to nudge and not get stuck
+ pathing is done in such a way that paths with high density of traffic has greater cost, which will make units automatically path around high-traffic areas.
+ all Stryker variants updated to new rendering workflow.
+ lighting tests for rendering out the vehicle headlights, brakelights and turn signals.
+ three tracks below are all implemented in-game now
+ menu intro track:
+ menu loop track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:

April 2020 (Week 5)

+ moving into object avoidance now, using a flow field algorithm for short-distance unit avoidance
+ begun to add in vehilce assets, aiming to complete an entire factions' vehicles so that functionality testing can begin
+ investigating into rendering normal maps in order to implement 2D lighting in future
+ management pipeline now encompasses audio asset tracking

+ coder took the previous week off, but is back to work this week
+ moving into object avoidance, group select and mutliple unit move orders.
+ finished adding in all variants to the Strker vehicle
+ normal map renders succesful, 2D lighting based on normals is viable but is low priority
+ new freelance lighter has made a new rendering workflow that streamlines the asset production and improves the detail of the final render
- will require gradual rerender of all previous assets, which sucks, but is bound to happen from time to time.
+ 3/5 tracks complete for the first round of music, will post them next week.

April 2020 (Week 4)

+ adding a line tile draw tool in the map editor
+ continuation of the rejigging of the pathfinding and movement
+ finished adding various civilian vehicles
+ added some bushes, hedges, and fences, going to test out how to implement walls and wall-like system soon

+ pathfinding milestone complete, gonna set this aside for now
+ added some minor assets, fences, bushes, hedges, trees
+ pathfinding cost system has also been finalized; with the proper settings, units should gravitate towards taking the a longer route with roads and better terrain rather than a straight route through crap terrain.
+ terrain now affects unit speed. Max speeds are achieved on roads, a percentage is deducted from the top speed on any other type of terrain.
+ Work on object avoidance has begun. Using the open source RVO2 library.
+ Music production has begun
+ Character concepts have begun