February 2021 (Week 1)

+ Continueing work on the behavior tree of units.
+ Started work on adding a map select menu, picking out factions, teams, colors, starting positions etc.
+ Starting positions are limited to 8 (kinda visible in vid)
+ Started to add map functions, like a "starting position"
- map functions will in future be used to guide AI to attack and defend.
+ Starting to add various functions to complete a full game loop.
- All this essentially means the player can select a map, start on a map with a builder, build out their forces, destroy the enemy and win.
- This crap will likely also take multiple weeks. (hooray)
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

January 2021 (Week 4)

+ Continuing work on the behavior tree of units.
+ improved the shadow system a bit.
+ made a little tool that helps me rename sprite frames after I render them.
+ starting adding a particle system.
- None of the things above are showable, so here's some infantry plinking away at an APC.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

January 2021 (Week 3)

+ Continueing work on the behavior tree of units.
+ infantry now have ethnicity, sex and role attributes.
+ Using those three attributes, a portrait is picked out of a pool.
+ Using the race and sex attributes, a name is randomly generated from a list.
+ Aside from killing an enemy unit, doing damage, construction and collecting resources all generate experience.
- Many other items are fucked and needs some unfucking.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

January 2021 (Week 2)

+ Optimization with pathing (This will be multiple weeks)
+ Unfucked some functionality in the map builder due to recent changes.
+ Optimizated behavior tree of units.
+ Imrpoved boarding functionality.
+ Infantry will generally try to board from the "passenger_door" node (as you can see in the vid)
+ Infantry will also exit via the "passenger_door" node.
+ All entities now have a size, carrying capacity, and carrying type.
+ Carrying capacity is shown in the side bar (in vid)
- Many other items are fucked and needs some unfucking.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

January 2021 (Week 1)

+ Optimization with pathing (This will be multiple weeks)
+ Imrovements into the destination grid
+ Added basic pathfinding waiting mechanics, where the unit decides to wait instead of repathing when in a crowd.
+ Added basic infantry boarding vehicles functionality.
- Needs to adjust this a bit, the doors are currently too close to the vehicle and they auto-crush the infantry sometimes
- Lots of weapon functions are now broken due to the changes, but they are all easy fixes.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2020 (Week 5)

+ Optimization with pathing (This will be multiple weeks)
+ Implemented a grid of destination points instead of just having all the units try to pile onto a single destination point
- This is still in its most simple form, where each movement order is staggered
- The grid also avoids placing destination points at impassible or inaccessible points, though this is patchy
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2020 (Week 4)

+ Optimization with pathing (This will be multiple weeks)
+ Added back flow fields on the local leve, which calculates all possible paths within a block (in vid).
- This makes path-finding only constrained by distance and not by number of units.
- This also makes repathing easier if its entirely within the blocks that already had the flow field calculated.
+ Significantly increased the failure detection rate of path finding, which means units will repath instead of getting stuck.
+ The rate of units being able to get from A to B has increased significantly.
+ Path finding calculations efficiency has increased significantly.
- Going to start to implement a grid of destination points instead of just having all the units try to pile onto a single destination point.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:
- For those that would like to use the AGDG recap, its here:

December 2020 (Week 3)

+ Optimization with pathing (This will be multiple weeks)
+ Added mouse physics to the debug to test how vehicle pathing reacts to sudden phyisical obstacles and forces. (vid)
+ Pathing is now kinda glued to the movement path, there are forces in place that will try to get it back on the path.
- Currently, re-pathing isn't functioning with this new system yet, but hopefully we will get it in by next week
+ Other bug fixes
- Here's a bug from dat entry where one of the wheelsets on one unit got switched around. Looks kinda cool.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

December 2020 (Week 2)

+ Optimization with pathing (This will be multiple weeks)
+ Adding infantry slots onto vehicles, so that some vehicles can carry troops other than the driver
+ Added driver_doors and passenger_doors onto vehicles so that the various infantry can enter and exit out of the correct places
+ Began asset rendering outsourcing
+ Other bug fixes
- Here's a bug from dat entry where one of the wheelsets on one unit got switched around. Looks kinda cool.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

December 2020 (Week 1)

+ Optimization with pathing (This will be multiple weeks)
- Trying to either automate or standardize the collision boxes used for pathfinding to increase efficiency
- This will allow units to repath more often if stuck, which is something we're doing sparringly right now
- Also, increasing the amount of correction so that units stay on their given path
+ Found and fixed a bug where if a vehicles' driver dismounts, moving the driver may cause an error.
+ Other bug fixes
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

November 2020 (Week 3)

+ MOAR improvements to the stat editor
+ Varioius improvements to animation playback. Added more functionality, pre-cursor, loops, post, conditionality, etc.,
- The build animation for instance (vid)
+ Scaffolding for buildings works. The scaffold item correctly duplicates itself to fill the entirety of the total volume of the completed building.
- Gonna rerender the scaffolding to be less cluttered. Looks pretty messy right now.
+ Should I make the scaffold thing only spawn on the outer edge and the top of the build volume? Might seem cleaner that way.
- Also rerendered all the animations for the rifleman, which is a pain in the ass.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

November 2020 (Week 2)

+ Improvments to the stat editor
+ Added more animation states
+ Added the ability for attachments to play animations matching the animation state of its parent
+ Bloom lights can now blink
+ Bloom lights can be made to turn on and off according to the light level of the map
+ Lighting, shadow, bloom systems tied together. (You can see a bit of the day / night cycle in the vid)
- Optimization is needed. Things slow down a lot when there are too many light sources on screen.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

November 2020 (Week 1)

+ Both normal maps and height maps had to be redone.
- Normals were split into 2 maps, and height was simplified and recombined into one.
- Normals fixed the lighting, and the height fixed these vertical lines that were in the previous versions.
- I hope the renders are finally final now. I can push more assets if that's the case.
+ Light bloom is in in the most simple fasion.
- Used this script to do it:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen (new song isn't in yet):
+ playlist:

October 2020 (Week 5)

+ Infantry are back in the game
+ Spotlights for vehicle headlights works
- Shadows for spotlights do not currently work and that needs to be firgured out, as its somewhat resource intensive.
+ Day / Night cycle functions and can cast shadows (but its not on in the vid)
- Used this script to do it:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen (new song isn't in yet):
+ playlist:

October 2020 (Week 4)

+ Added spotlights (2D) into the game. Mainly used for headlights for vehicles
+ Added a day night cycle, which changes the light direction, color, fog color, and other stats over time.
- Discovered that my previous normal maps were actually crap and don't work properly.
+ After some searching, I found a script that is available that could do it.
- Used this script to do it:
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen (new song isn't in yet):
+ playlist:

October 2020 (Week 3)

+ New track Night:
+ New track Dawn:
+ Stat editor is totally functional now. Hooks up to Github correctly. Bunch of other complicated stuff.
+ Stat editor filter, search, expand/hide categories, error detection, bunch of other features.
+ Added rubble which spawns after a building is destroyed. Rubble is tiled and randomized.
+ Added scaffolding which spawns when building construction begins. Scaffolding is tiled, stacked and randomized.
+ Added a lighting control panel to control the sun/moon on the map editor.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen (new song isn't in yet):
+ playlist:

October 2020 (Week 2)

+ New music track is done, here it is:
+ Debugging the stat editor. Working pretty well thus far, but haven't moved to more complicated items yet.
+ Begun working on effects for construction and destruction of buildings.
- Essentially, building model rises from the ground during construction, and descends into the ground when destroyed.
+ Begun modeling modular scaffolding that will go up when the building begins building.
+ Begun modeling modular rubble that will spawn when a building goes down.
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:">
+ playlist:">

October 2020 (Week 1)

+ html-based stat editor can now edit the three overall entity csv sheets as well as the per-asset .lua files.
+ All stats that I had to add to a sheet or code previously by hand can now be done in the editor.
- As per usual, the thing blows up just as I'm about to give it a try, so here's a screenshot of the sprites for the temp war factory as well as the editor itself.
- I wish things were more visual, but they aren't. This should improve soon, a new asset creation phaes will begin shortly.
- Two more music tracks almost done
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

September 2020 (Week 4)

+ Data entry system is in, but still needs a week or two to be fully functional.
+ Here's some infantry portraits. This is to give each infantry their own look and name.
- Hopefully this will make the units feel less faceless.
- Currently only simple experience gaining mechanics are in, but there will be more in future.
- Two more music tracks almost done
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

September 2020 (Week 3)

+ A data checking system was implemented this week. Prevents my clammy sausage hands from entering shit stats that crashes the game.
+ We splite the entities.csv into entities.csv, attachments.csv and weapons.csv.
- entities is for overall data, attachments is for stuff like turrets and wheels which are separate objects, and weapons are just for weapon stats.
- As you can tell, this is all data stuff, so its really hard to visualize. Instead, here's an image of our combined render layers for our sprite sheets.
- The current final render sprtiesheets are albedo (for color), the second is for color, metalness, and roughness, and the third is for two heightmaps and the normal
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

+ Data checker is in, its doing a good job of revealing problems.
- Need to re-add all units gradually as I re-render everything with this new depth system
+ Gonna add a data-entry type system so that I may edit and and create units without going into the spreadsheet realm
+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:
+ playlist:

September 2020 (Week 2)

+ Taken out the wheels so that they can be attached individually
- This will increase the object count a lot, but it will lessen the amount of frames and image size of the sprite sheets by a lot
+ Lighting improvements
- Ground is red because anything that hasn't been rerendered in the new way will have fucked up color
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:">
+ battle track:

+ Testing out the wheel arrangements / attachment loads.
- Turns out having all your wheels as separate objects cuts the FPS in half compared to having the wheels as one object (pic)
- So, in future, all wheels are gonna be one objects, which kinda sucks because no potential for future wheel suspension, but at least its easy to render.
+ Also did preliminary tests on shadows and it only reduced the FPS by a couple, so that's nice.
- Shadows need another week to do for sure.
+ With that, I think the new rendering system can be finalized.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

September 2020 (Week 1)

+ There be lights.
+ Regigged the rendering system
+ Got a image processor called ImageMagick. Coder is going to write a few .bats to get some batch functions up and running.
- Apparently my normal maps are fucked so I need to fix those. Don't know how though.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

+ Regigged the whole rendering system again.
+ Because of the new depth system, I can now render out the wheels of the vehicle separately and have all the occlusion be correct.
- ImageMacick didn't work well, so we wrote our own image component combination script in Love2D
+ Made a little sun/moon control panel in preparation for the inclusion of the day-night cycle.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

August 2020 (Week 4)

+ Figured out a way to make height maps
+ With height maps, we can now explore a method to do in-game lighting and shading.
- Probably need to work on this for the next two weeks
- Once this is done, I will need to rerender everything, but I won't need to render out shadows anymore.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track:

+ Improved height map fidelity
+ Made two height maps, one with a fidelity of a cm, the other with a fidelity of 1m
+ Basic depth is now in-game
+ Probably need to make roughness, metalness maps as well.
+ This whole process is gonna take a while, but hopefully it will yield some great lighting and decent shadows.
+ Here is the current music for anyone that wants a listen:
+ menu track:
+ chill track:
+ tension track:
+ editor track:
+ battle track: