
July 2021 (Week 3)

+ Worked additionally on quest writing.
+ Lanes can now spawn, if possible, ships that you can then attack.
+ Fixed some rendering issues and improved graphics on smoke from large transports.
+ Fixed issues where bubble spawning code was spawning inside avoidance zones.
+ Gave bubble spawns a distance restriction to prevent false spawns from happening.
+ AI will now properly process disrupted lanes, perfect for piracy.
+ Fixed issue where dockers would try and path to areas and gates that did not exist.
+ Ships now get pissy if you disrupt, play chicken, or otherwise fuck with them.
+ Added tech for proper audio node interaction stuff, based off the voice file rather than anything else.
+ Added lane encounters to all systems.
+ Can now disrupt ships mid dock.
+ AI ships can now have multiple reasons for carrying cargo, including smuggling, disposal, etc.
+ AI ships are now given points of origin.
+ Piracy mechanics completely redone. Can now give cargo, money, and rare chances at special items.
+ Generic comm system now integrates ship style and such appropriately.
+ Can now properly ask for directions from ships.
+ Added cargo carrying types to all ships and expanded the list of allowed cargo carriers to include freighters.
+ Fixed issue where disrupting or exiting on a laneline late would cause pilot issues.
+ Storm disruptions no longer glitch out and have their own custom effects.
+ Fixed issue where NPCs would be spamming countermeasures.
+ Replaced old scrap models in vignettes with new ones.
+ Committing acts of piracy when you’re wanted by a system’s owning factions can now entice systems to send battleships after you.
+ Added battleships and filled out piracy stuff for all systems.

July 2021 (Week 2)

+ Added more vignettes to the game.
+ Implemented the mechanics of the game’s fast travel system.
+ Worked on the basics of the game’s wanted system.
+ Fixed instantiation issues with cargo items.
+ Worked on the basics of spawning ships on lanes.
+ Worked on writing more quests.

July 2021 (Week 1)

+ Finished all scannable entries.
+ Defense bots now report the bonuses they offer when active.
+ Fixed some pricing issues on items.
+ General kill missions report the system they want you to do your stuff in.
+ Added graphics, juice, and animation to the data center UI.
+ Fixed null reference errors with the scannable data system.
+ Entering any sort of cinematic dock closes the UI now.
+ Equipping armor no longer keeps the player’s health static.
+ Added more UI resets to system transfers to prevent UI bugs.
+ Completing a quest properly clears all waypoint stuff.
+ Fixed issue where armor was making the player several times less maneuverable than they should have been.
+ Scan pulses stop showing up at weird angles.
+ Can no longer rotate the camera outside of freeflight.
+ Fixed issue where Union gates couldn’t be selected in nebulas and belts.
+ Fixed issue where systems wouldn’t load maps based on galactic views.
+ Fixed issue where you could still shoot and open menus in wormholes.
+ Distant system connections no longer show up if the system isn’t visible or mappable.
+ Storm flares now no longer go fucky.
+ Added custom icons for comm relays.
+ Added default loadouts for newly bought ships.
+ Fixed issue where the garage would screw with ship materials.
+ Redid models for ancient scrap wreckage.
+ Added some (more than likely to be unused) materials for ancient stuff.
+ Added additional vignettes.
+ Fixed issue with macromissiles destroying the game.
+ Added overrides to map coloration for nebulas.

June 2021 (Week 4)

+ Wrote more scannable entries.
+ Messed around with some new alien scrap models.

June 2021 (Week 3)

+ Worked on detailing and write-ups for various existing vignettes.
+ Added floating cubes to the bisected asteroid base. Not sure I’ll keep them.
+ Mildly optimized a few vignettes.
+ Made a few misc props.
- Not too much progress this week, doing… things. Things that make my heart swell.

June 2021 (Week 2)

+ Worked more on the final regional boss for the Ijuni.
+ Missiles can now have a specified daddy that if they die that daddy takes a big hit.
+ Reworked some station UI stuff to remove some features that were repurposed elsewhere.
+ Fixed some system descriptions that didn’t match the actual system.
+ Optimized the Ijuni systems.
+ Optimized the Ballden systems.
+ Optimized the Macrovari systems.
+ Adjusted lighting and coloring in nebulas in various star systems.
+ Adjusted various exterior graphics for scrapfields.
+ Adjusted scrapfield sizes in the Union capitals.
+ Did a study of all vignettes and realized that most of them are actually in a pretty complete state, like 80% done.

June 2021 (Week 1)

+ Spawn bubbles now select by order, not randomly, and can take into account rotations.
+ Placed down some initial spawning bubbles.
+ Fixed issue where assassination missions wouldn’t have any sort of payout.
+ Began work on the Macrovari regional boss.
+ Missiles can now have initial turnrates that slowly decay.
+ Nebula puffs can be overridden.
+ Field clearings can be overridden.
+ Fixed issue where field asteroids wouldn’t generate properly.
+ Began regional optimizations with mesh combiners in the demo systems.
+ Redid some more gun sounds.
+ Added puff recoloring to the ballden guy.
+ Fixed issue where storm signals wouldn’t go off in asteroid fields.
+ Fixed memory leak occurring with game’s mining solarboxes.
+ Optimized sun models in the navmap.
+ Worked on flak cannon effects.
+ Splitting missiles can now specify the split angle.
+ Worked on the Ijuni regional boss, including scripting and modeling.
+ Wrecked space windmill models for… various things.

May 2021 (Week 4)

+ Redid pause sound suspension stuff.
+ Added fast-equip tech to the station trading UI.
+ Trying to leave the initial area before you’ve done the tutorial will warn you about what you’re going to do.
+ Adjusted the range, docking radius, etc, of several stations to prevent spinouts or crashing.
+ Death execution trackers can now display if you’ve killed a specific number of fighters.
+ Worked on adding new quests.
+ Added a new murderous hobo quest.
+ Quests can now wipe out bad quest markers.
+ Trying to dock on a station with a single dock with path you to that.
+ Game now saves global values.
+ Refactored a bunch of stuff in the event system to allow for delays, expanded execution, etc.
+ Equipping a gun to a previously deactivated hardpoint will activate it.
+ Fixed some misnamed lanelines.
+ Can now set faction reps via script commands with outputs.
+ Quest markers can now wipe out previous quest markers.
+ Fixed issue with UI errors that occurred when players were past the max amount of boosted repair items.
+ The game now forces laneline portals to be used specifically during specify moments in the campaign.
+ Drafted up some Vauldwin plates and bottles.
+ Player cannot enter menus or tutorials until opening cutscenes are over, on purpose.
+ Added quests that lead you back to the campaign stuff.
+ Improved graphics on the manyship.
+ Did some initial work on the new spawn bubble system.

May 2021 (Week 3)

+ Added ghost ship bosses.
+ Fully implemented the ghost ship system, which can rename ghosts after things you’ve seen.
+ Began work on the Ballden regional boss.
+ Fixed issue where invisible factions were visible.
+ Fixed various UI issues with the faction UI.
+ Changed some sounds.
+ Fixed issue where rifts wouldn’t link themselves to bosses.
+ Added sounds to explosive hazards.
+ Fixed issue where hazards weren’t spawning.
+ Fixed some issues with the ghost ship’s death animations.
+ Created basic scripts for all ambient hidden bosses.
+ Fixed issue where hazards would not link bosses properly.
+ Redid tons of graphics in Shipstar to make them all gel more together properly.
+ Added more shaded backgrounds to various inventory windows.
+ Began work on the Union regional boss.
+ Scripts can override the colors of nebulas, and thus ambient lights and such.
+ Fixed issue with the abyss and jumphole collapses.
+ Optimized some extremely old vignettes.
+ Fixed issues where nebula puffs had the wrong rendering values.
+ Tweaked nebula lightning in the Union base.
+ Fixed issue where boss UI wouldn’t disappear under circumstances.
+ Implemented the Union regional boss.
+ Implemented a check that allows for mines and missiles to be used regardless of settings.
+ Created some more missile and mine variants.
+ Added a level override for some higher level factions.
+ Redid sounds for photonic weapons.

May 2021 (Week 2)

+ Added instadeath commands to the dev console to help with testing.
+ Fixed issue with manual docking on lanelines.
+ Fixed issue with mission 2’s conversations being weird.
+ Adjusted Agganite Station’s dock radius.
+ Redid some hostility and gate targeting code to make the silospitter more effective.
+ Worked on ghost ship bosses.
+ Added sound to all missile and mine attacks.
+ Delete after playings can now have random activation sounds.
+ The ambient explosion system now has a startup time before it starts fully playing.
+ Added cargoboxes throughout the galaxy.
+ Added some more ambient wreckage to the ancient wrecked whaling ship.
+ Fixed issue where ambient cargoboxes wouldn’t drop meta items.
+ Refactored docking code. Again.
+ Added docking code’s ability to steer you towards a wanted docking point on a jumpgate.
+ Can no longer open targets when dragsteering.
+ Redid freeflight to be able to be used in autopilot situations alongside oribtal camera stuff.
+ Added distant horrible object proper models.
+ Added ambient sound to storm centers.
+ Added unstable jumpholes to all systems that have them.
+ Fixed issue where eerie whispering could be heard all throughout a star system with no discernible source.
+ Fixed issue where leaving a stormed system would still have the effects play out.
+ Allowed for random jumppoints to be *truly* random.

May 2021 (Week 1)

+ Fixed issue where finished fights would cause NPCs to teleport.
+ Added some (not currently changeable) graphics options based on user feedback.
+ Fixed issue where GOTO with autopilot wouldn’t stop.
+ Changed some UI coloring based on user feedback.
+ Fixed issue where sprites on the navmap were sticking around.
+ Fixed some issues where quests wouldn’t advance.
+ Fixed some effects that were ending too early.
+ Fixed issue where the music system wouldn’t resume from asteroid fields.
+ Fixed issue with best buying price UI.
+ Fixed issue where you couldn’t unequip items in your inventory when docked.
+ Trying to manually dock no longer keeps you at high speeds, just in case.
+ Fixed some weirdness with some characters flying everywhere.
+ Made some models for the great illusion boss.
+ Made some models for plates and bottles and shit.
+ Added a basic progress tracker UI element.

April 2021 (Week 5)

+ Squished some more lobsters.
+ Fixed issue where storage UI wouldn’t close properly.
+ Fixed issue where autosaves wouldn’t save properly.
+ Added advanced cutscene holograms to the second mission cutscene.
+ Created some new icons for the main campaign.
+ Fixed some save file issues including cockpits not loading and sounds playing when they shouldn’t.
+ Added the main quest characters to the main quest area, for reasons.
+ Fixed some differing icons for the second campaign mission.
+ Contacts now induce hostility based off their actual reaction, rather than their faction hatred.
+ Adjusted some dialogue to fit better.
+ Changed the order of some UI elements for better rendering.
+ Acquiring your first ship now shows the tutorial on it.
+ Added tutorials for the first and second campaign mission.
+ Redid Sparkplatform’s attacks to work and flow better with the concept of the missile and improved its effects
+ Fixed autopilot duplication issues.
+ Fixed issues with cargo being duplicated when added to a ship.
+ Fixed issue with player crashing into planets.
+ Fixed various issues with manual docking brought about by docking queues.
+ Fixed issue where default options settings were mixed up.
+ Fixed build rendering error issues.
+ Added a loading screen thing to the inter-system transfers.
+ Fixed issue with the starting cutscene fucking up.
+ Fixed some mislabeled tooltips.
+ Fixed issue where the tutorial wasn’t completing.
+ Players can no longer swap rooms when in a menu.
+ Fixed a bunch of save duplication and non-duplication errors.

April 2021 (Week 4)

+ Placed down cargo containers around demo area battleships.
+ Created single mimic attacker variants.
+ Fixed some minor logic problems with NPC reactions.
+ Created simple character animators that are used for cutscenes.
+ Enhanced some cutscenes by letting characters log out of holographic conversations.
+ Adjusted spacing on the tutorial UI.
+ Fixed exceptions thrown when targeting AI.
+ Solars that talk during the campaign and quests now reflect that.
+ Added a killing state event mechanism for quests and such.
+ Created new effects, transitions, and hazards for the ambient storm system.
+ Fixed issue where the ambient explosion system wasn’t working.
+ Fixed some errors with contact HUDs when buying new ships.
+ Fixed issue where some upgrades would cause you to be unable to have hull webbing.
+ Fixed issue where you couldn’t type a name into the ship renaming window.
+ Fixed issue where navigation UI icons would be seen in the info window.
+ Campaign manager can now be called on stations for reasons.
+ Fixed issues where characters were stuck in permatalk mode.
+ Demo soon, fellow STALKER.

April 2021 (Week 3)

+ Worked more on the music priority system.
+ Adjusted some asteroid field clearings to be larger and prevent overlapping by accident.
+ Redid the Between Spaces quest to flow better.
+ Fixed issues where trying to head back into the starting system would produce errors.
+ Fixed issues with some beam weapons not being powerful enough.
+ Added an ability for beam weapon interval firerers to be able to target the player.
+ Changed around some aspects of quest stage tracking to better work with the game’s new quest logic.
+ Fixed issue where leaving a field wouldn’t reset the music player.
+ Scrambled text now scrambles properly.
+ Player can no longer summon party members when party members are active.
+ Added some more commands to advance quests via the quest scripting system.
+ Quests can now have a finishing entry state.
+ Hooked up all missing demo quests.
+ Replaced some missing characters in the ascii table.

April 2021 (Week 2)

+ Event spawns can now have optional locations they’ll be placed.
+ Fully created ticker stealing events and fixed issues where ticker fighters wouldn’t attack.
+ Added some more naming schemes for tickers and robots.
+ Added a pause menu tip thing.
+ Made several models for in-game dishware, bottles and such.
+ Fixed issue in the navmap where duplicate nav icons would appear.
+ Can now properly zoom in on a star system, which will load in.
+ Fixed various readability issues with the map and added new icons.
+ Fixed issue where camera panning wasn’t relative to the camera in the starmap.
+ Added cockpit models (though untextured) to all demo ships and set up customization for them.
+ Began work on a priority system for ambient music while inside clearings/asteroidfields/nebulas.

April 2021 (Week 1)

+ Began work on a pathfinding redux, for the fifteenth time.
+ Added more capitalship wrecks.
+ Created a new category for static wrecks that are allowed to be targeted normally.
+ Fixed issue where the player couldn’t open targets on wreckage.
+ Fixed a few null references that would occur during dialogue.
+ Redid subfuse code for explosions, no more internal annoying logic.
+ Fixed some missing unicode IDs.
+ Separated out station conversations into something new entirely.
+ NPCs can reset their conversation emotions.
+ Fixed some old conversation animation errors.
+ Field rings can now suppress their renderings inside a nebula.
+ Adjusted speeds of contextual hud color transfer.
+ Fixed issue where ships jumping out would report as having unique names when they shouldn’t.
+ Ambient lighting can transition to different colors based on fields the player’s in.
+ Fixed issue where jumping into a field in a system would display the field name, rather than the system name.
+ Fixed issue where contextual field colors wouldn’t occur.
+ All NPCs have their animation trees hooked up and working.
+ Added a basic thing for unvoiced dialogue to have a more accurate on-screen staying time.

March 2021 (Week 4)

+ Added ticker relays to all systems that would have them.
+ Fixed holes in various ship meshes on capitalships.
+ Prevented legendary ships from playing their effects while in the processing of dying horribly.
+ Mousing over a system now reports if there are quests available in that system, for ease of access.
+ Made the title screen make use of asynchronous loading, greatly decreasing memory usage and load times.
+ Redid a bunch of stuff on the galactic map to be more in line with things.
+ Entering a field now displays the field’s name, similar to a system or a station.
+ Hooked up ambient explosion system and redid graphics for it.
+ Wrote up several new sidequests.
+ Placed more wrecked variants of ships in systems.
+ Added a basic kind of battleship system, which adds generic simple patrolling AI that doesn’t hunt.
+ Created small scrap variations.
- I hate pathfinding, I hate it so god damn much.

March 2021 (Week 3)

+ Wrecked all capitalship models.
+ Wrecked all campaignship models.
+ Created misc wrecked pieces for ambient capital wrecks.
+ Started adding ambient capital wrecks.
+ Added headlight damagers, which allows for items to get damaged by the player ship’s headlights.
+ Added a flag that prevents solars from being damaged by projectiles, allowing them to only be killed by specific kinds of damage.
+ Ships can no longer perform combat actions while they’re in the process of exploding.
+ Redid some skyboxes that had rendering errors due to use of particles rather than billboards.
+ Wrote up more scenes for endgame campaign stuff.
+ Began wrecking the dick out of some fixtures, for purposeful reasons.
+ Redid damage effects on ticker relays.
+ Just a damaged sort of week.

March 2021 (Week 2)

+ Fixed issue where storms wouldn’t get deleted and cleaned up properly.
+ Began wrecking campaign ships.
+ Created a thing to decompile skyboxes for modification.
+ Changed the contrast on some skyboxes.
+ Added some additional events for in-progress events, such as cargo acquisition and freshly killed solars.
+ Did stuff with Macrovari art sculptures, including improvements to the base model, among other things.
+ Added headlight effect scripts, stuff that can activate effects if the player shines their light on it.
+ Worked a bit on combining meshes in Ballden regions for optimization.

March 2021 (Week 1)

+ Player launched cargo can’t proc events.
+ Began work on the Haywire Hulk boss, both models and scripting.
+ Redid the graphics a bit in the haywire system.
+ Fixed issue where lanelines would be added to the longrange solar detections.
+ Added tech that allows bosses to be affected through dialogue.
+ Worked on the Hellmouth Prince boss.
+ Explosions can now be perfectly vertical, for rays of heaven style attacks.
+ Boss UI cleaned up a bit for different situations.
+ Fixed some scaling and missing exterior meshes in the Rhetus regions.

February 2021 (Week 4)

+ Added background shading to the dialogue window.
+ Fixed some UI color weirdness in places.
+ Better shading for the Crush system.
+ Fixed some issues with the incomprehensible parts of space.
+ Redid graphics in hyperspace.
+ Added grappling hook attacks for ships and such.
+ Added interval component activators and overtime damaging field effects, for various things.

February 2021 (Week 3)

+ Wrote up code for customizing your cockpit.
+ Cockpit can now be fully customized, ship cockpits are saved with configurations, and cockpit vanity items now exist.
+ Added in some special fighters (Player and NPC variants, for reasons)
+ Added customization stations for on-station interactions.
+ Added service stations to all demo stations.
+ Complete and total refactor of the non-campaign scripting and event system to make use of the campaign and scripting event system, albeit with specific changes.
+ CreateFighterSquadrons can load themselves into the quest manager system for various quests that make use of this.
+ Redid ship bracket graphics for indicators and targeting UI.
+ Added some initial questy stuff in other systems.
+ Expanded dialog events to also include optional spawned prefabs.
+ Started work on space grappling hooks for various situations.
+ Created a random object spawner, used basically like a leveled list for certain events and encounters.
+ Started fixing up the old dialogue stuff for reasons.
+ Created some new graphics for wrecked and rotting ship variants.

February 2021 (Week 2)

+ Redid graphics in a few Union and Ast systems.
+ Totally redid graphics on scrap asteroids, they’re looking much better.
+ Ships no longer have engines lit up on stations.
+ Added flags to prevent collision culling on distant asteroids, used for very large fields.
+ AA, vsync, run game in background, and anisotropic filtering all work.
+ Fixed some grammatical errors in missions.
+ Fixed issue where docking would screw up royally.
+ FIxed issue where systems expanding into your system would cause errors where you couldn’t beat up the rift.
+ Fixed some sounds on ships not being modulated by the volume
+ Fixed various grammatical errors in the main campaign.
+ Fixed some textual errors in the quest UI.
+ Fixed issue with distant solars not getting removed from the contact list properly.
+ Fixed issue where quickselling an item would sell it at 140x its normal value.
+ Removed some outdated demo elements.
+ Added new icons for talking, quests, and general station interactions.
+ Made base cockpit models all remaining flyable ships.

February 2021 (Week 1)

+ Moved around hardpoints on large ships to fix the graphical errors there.
+ Party member ships now get their detected solar hostility stuff from the player, not themselves.
+ Fixed issue with loadscreen fadeins not working on new games.
+ Ships in a fight will attempt to actively path around and avoid hazards, including big ships and stations.
+ Guns on stations now properly realign themselves.
+ Big ships now stay on the clock when getting attacked.
+ Fixed issue where contact HUD wouldn’t update properly during hostilities.
+ Added additional avoidance pathing to planets, to hopefully alleviate ships flying through them.
+ Redid a bunch of pathfinding code, to make ships stop flying through FUCKING PLANETS and also path better through things, fixing a bunch of pathfinding issues while doing so.
+ Ships about to collide with big ships move up and around each other.
+ Redid graphics in the time-travel system.
+ Worked on some social media stuff.
+ Wrote more with the first act of the campaign.
+ Hazards can now spawn bosses tied to their lifeforce.
+ Station activators can now have custom icons, which have been set for station service… stations.
+ NPCs play animations for emotions directly, rather than relying on table stuff.