July 2021 (Week 3)
+ Worked additionally on quest writing.
+ Lanes can now spawn, if possible, ships that you can then attack.
+ Fixed some rendering issues and improved graphics on smoke from large transports.
+ Fixed issues where bubble spawning code was spawning inside avoidance zones.
+ Gave bubble spawns a distance restriction to prevent false spawns from happening.
+ AI will now properly process disrupted lanes, perfect for piracy.
+ Fixed issue where dockers would try and path to areas and gates that did not exist.
+ Ships now get pissy if you disrupt, play chicken, or otherwise fuck with them.
+ Added tech for proper audio node interaction stuff, based off the voice file rather than anything else.
+ Added lane encounters to all systems.
+ Can now disrupt ships mid dock.
+ AI ships can now have multiple reasons for carrying cargo, including smuggling, disposal, etc.
+ AI ships are now given points of origin.
+ Piracy mechanics completely redone. Can now give cargo, money, and rare chances at special items.
+ Generic comm system now integrates ship style and such appropriately.
+ Can now properly ask for directions from ships.
+ Added cargo carrying types to all ships and expanded the list of allowed cargo carriers to include freighters.
+ Fixed issue where disrupting or exiting on a laneline late would cause pilot issues.
+ Storm disruptions no longer glitch out and have their own custom effects.
+ Fixed issue where NPCs would be spamming countermeasures.
+ Replaced old scrap models in vignettes with new ones.
+ Committing acts of piracy when you’re wanted by a system’s owning factions can now entice systems to send battleships after you.
+ Added battleships and filled out piracy stuff for all systems.